BREAK DOWRY CHAIN---- To say that India has progressed a lot. We are all living in the 21st century but even today the dowry system is killing 20 women every day.......
In India, TV, polio, even diseases like corona, will end at some time or the other. But a disease like dowry will rarely end . You know why because this disease has been created by us humans and the patients of this disease are increasing every day. means the dowry system is being promoted. The solution to any problem is found only when we wish to find a solution to that problem.But the dowry system is such a problem that we ourselves do not want to end it.Today, even after so many years, dowry is going on. There is only one reason for that and that is that we are contributing to it.Till date the dowry system has killed so many people, if I start talking about them, maybe you will get tired of reading, but that list will never end.
EXAMPLE ____________
∆"you all must have heard about Ayesha Suicide Case, In this case, a married girl Ayesha gave her life by jumping into the river of Gujarat due to dowry.**
∆Woman beaten up by in-laws for dowry in Odisha"***
There are many people who are facing this problem every day. Every day, people are falling prey to dowry. In dowry, not only a girl but her entire family is disturbed.
•Have you ever wondered why people take dowry-----
Ok let me tell you the most important reasons
*1--- If a girl is black in color then you will have to give dowry.
*2--- If a girl is not very educated then you will have to give dowry.
*3--- If the girl is bad looking then you will have to give dowry.
Give dowry for every other reason, every other reason becomes a reason for asking for dowry.And do you know where the dowry seekers are more guilty than those giving dowry, "remember if you are giving dowry, then you are setting a girl's body on fire with your hands".
"If you call the sale of a girl a prostitute, then you can call the sale of a boy as a dowry"
1 टिप्पणी:
Dowry means??
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