शुक्रवार, 14 मई 2021



News of the week---

The third wave of coronavirus is coming soon --------

• The union ministry of health informed that due to the rapid spread of corona in India, it is certain that the third wave of corona is coming very soon.

Now the biggest question comes in the mind of all of us. That is, when will this wave come??
° And the second biggest question is, who can come in the grip of this wave??

  It is very difficult to say how long the third wave is going to come in India, but from the circumstances of other countries it can be estimated that how long the third wave can come in India. 
[Example=The third wave in the US was observed 2 months after the second wave was over.]
Experts estimate that the third wave in India can be seen 2 to 3 months after the second wave ends.This means that the third wave of corona virus in India can be seen from the month of October or September. So far, it cannot be said clearly how long the third wave will come in India, but there will definitely be a third wave in India.

∆ According to sources, it has been learned that the third wave of corona virus will be most likely to affect children,
Seeing the life of children in danger, the Supreme Court has also talked to the Central Government about vaccination of children.
Vaccination preparations for children below 18  years of age in India are in full swing.  But it is believed that vaccination may not be available for children before October.

•It is not possible to stop the third wave of corona virus, but it is possible to make all preparations to fight it, so take care, stay home be safe.

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